Thursday, April 23, 2009

I'd like to eat what you're eating there

If I could wish for anything, I want unwavering loyalty, and someone that doesn't give up on me. And an encouraging smile when I need it.

Anyway, I was wondering about typed words. I make my living writing things down (and then speaking them out loud). I have a dream of writing the great Malaysian script, for that great Malaysian film. But my experience in typed words are not always smooth. I broke up with my first boyfriend on YM, and a (former?) friend hasn't been speaking for months to me cos of something I said in a text message.

So maybe I should stop typing when I'm angry?

Then again, I am happy (eventually) that I broke up with that guy. I'm polite and cordial with him now but I have no wish to go out with him again. And I think this (former) friend was a waste of my time, in her judgemental, self-centred way. But oh there I go doing the thing I told myself I wouldn't do when I start a blog. No, she's great in her on way, a truly wonderful person and I wish her all the best. Afterall, who I am to judge a person as judgemental?

Hmmph.. I just stopped myself from typing what I was thinking. But that's cos I'm not fucking angry now :)

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