Thursday, April 2, 2009

Shoals or Rot

I'm still undecided about whether to go to Shoalwater Islands Marine Park or not. I'm pretty sure I'd skip going to Rottnest to go there but I kinda want to go to Rottnest as well. So how? Let's do a comparison check.

Why Rottnest? Well, cos Lonely Planet sorta recommended it.

I got the impression that it's a laid-back, easy going island with wide empty beaches and blue seas all around. I was thinking of renting a bike and just ride all the way and stop when I see a nice spot to have a picnic and a swim. Y'know, just chill, maybe read a book. Or not.

Why Shoalwater? Cos I love animals, and I've been watching nature documentaries since I was a kid, and it'd be nice to watch all the wildlife for real.

But there doesn't seem to be a lot info on the place, apart from the discovery tours, swimming with dolphins and all that. Frankly, I don't fancy swimming there. If it's cold enough for seals to live in that place it must be REALLY cold, otherwise seals would just live in Malaysia.

But I'm going in the summer, would the seals and penguins and dolphins still be there? Do I have to take the tours, and is there a bridge to the island or I need to take a ferry, and how much is the ferry? This is what's wrong with the sites about the place, they don't tell me what I want to know!

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