Friday, April 10, 2009

But Before Perth

I have decided that I'm not going to Jakarta later this year. The trip was planned when things were fine but now, it's not so fine. Considering the fact that I don't particularly like going to Indonesia, and the only reason I agreed on going is because I was trying not to offend someone, and then now, that someone seems to be offended by my mere existence, so why bother?

"Yeah, I don't think I'm going to enjoy the trip, so you two have fun ya?"

It's the bane of advanced booking. I wonder how many people make plans months and months in advance, only for things to end up like crap when it's time to go? Relationships end, arguments ensue and cold war is brewing like North Korea and it's "satellite". At least the good thing about advanced booking is that the ticket's cheap. So screw it, I'm not going to suffer five days of hell with people who don't give a shit about me.

I've been consciously avoiding looking up things about Jakarta, but I must say my curiosity is piqued as I was looking for a photo to put on the blog. Damn it! I guess the next best thing is to get someone else to come with me, or well, just pray things will work out with those two. I highly doubt it though, and I highly doubt the first option too.

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