Friday, April 10, 2009

Surf's up

A friend of mine (let's call him Jesus) is on a month-long trip to Europe. Apart from the usual "I wish you well, have fun and come back in one piece!" wishes, most of all, what I wished for, was that I can go with him. Not him specifically, cos that just brings to light all sorts of issues, but just to get out and about and smell a different kind of air. It sounds weird, but air really does smell different from one place to another.

So yeah, I wish I was with him. If only I had the money.

Anyway, he's doing this couchsurfing thing, where you stay at someone's house, sleep on their couch and you get to hang out with the host too. It's on a voluntary basis, so you don't have to pay. To be nice, you should make them dinner, or wash their dishes or something. Apparently it's a great way to meet people, you have someone to guide you around, plus you get invited to parties and stuff.

Jesus highly recommends it, but some of my friends at work were very skeptical about it. It's a trust issue, which I understand. What if they steal your stuff once you come back from work? My excuse is that I have privacy issues. Sleeping in someone's house, a stranger that I don't know? I have trouble even watching TV with another person. And I can imagine myself looking up at the ceiling while lying on the couch, wondering what's the deal with all the figurines/naked posters/flowers/beer can collection/empty walls.

Then again, it is just an excuse. I haven't quite decided on the couchsurfing thing. I might give it go. I dunno.

I wanted to put a picture of my couch, but they both came out ugly. This Ektorp sofa, I want it actually. So it might be my couch, someday.

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